Welcome to a new blog series entitled “No A.I. ~ Digital Art Unveiled" In this series, Christian takes a behind-the-scenes look at his digital artwork. A visual journey to uncover the process behind his photo composites;...

In this age, with so many technological advancements, it is essential to distinguish between digital Art and AI-generated artwork. Admittedly, the distinction can be blurry at times, but it is worth discussing the topic generally....

I feel that nostalgia is a powerful force in the human psyche. In the same way art is… when they combine, the scope of emotion is broadened. We witness frozen moments in time, and so...

William was an apple farmer who had a passion for photography. He would capture images on metal plates, known as Tintypes. Being a crafty fellow, he made his own plates by creating a photographic emulsion that...

The symbolism of the crow is found in nearly every culture around the world. Its spiritual meaning can be benevolent or mischievous, with every characteristic in between. Its black colour is at the core of...

Thalassophobia is the fear of deep bodies of water, not of water itself but the fear of emptiness beneath the waves or being far from shore. This primal fear may be an inherent part of the...

When we listen to a song we like and enjoy its melody, it evokes a certain feeling in us. In phenomenology, this feeling is called "Noema," which is an object of thought. If we shift our...

The history of zero is fairly recent. Recent because zero wasn’t needed for the most part. Counting was important to civilization, but the idea of nothing wasn’t, in fact psychologically zero implied nothingness, a state...

Life isn’t perfect. There is strife, famine, natural disasters, greed and selfishness. People are prejudice and have misconceptions that affect their relationships. We are often tempted, prone to addiction, have bad tendencies that corrupt decisions and...

Science describes the world as a quantifiable object, logical, coherent, applicable to measurement and available to be modelled and verified.  On the other hand, we know the world within a personal framework of experience, more than...

The perfection of a circle The circle symbolizes spirituality, completeness, wholesomeness, and balance. It has come to represent totality, infinity and perfection. The circle feels deeply familiar and somehow representing life in general. However, a circle...

"Ovis Cum Pastor" "Ovis cum pastor" is Latin for 'Sheep with Shepherd.' Sheep are significant throughout the bible. They are teaching tools. They signify people and their need for guidance, as a flock of sheep needs a...