Totem 22

I have regret for Totem 21. My idea now is that the Totem is not a real object, but represents an idea. I have mentioned the ‘Supra-net’ previously, I think this is where I am going now. Science turns its head away from Telepathy mostly, yet a field of study worth breaching. Interesting: something I have learned about electricity; we think of electricity flowing in wires. That ‘it is’ the flow of the electrons that brings the energy. Apparently, this is not true. Electrons do flow, but it is extremely slow. The fundamental effect of electricity comes from electrical energy, and surprisingly the energy is not perfectly localized to the wires. The energy moves very much faster. And where an electrical circuit behaves like a loop, returning electrons back to the source through the load on the circuit, the energy does not loop, it is spent. This is why batteries run out. Quantum science show us that electrons are not perfectly localized ‘objects’ but are strangely uncertain… to be continued…